Don't let any
dispute get you
🚨 banned
NoChargebacks monitors fraudulent activity to prevent chargebacks from unusual payment activity, or even spammers.
  • 1-minute no-code setup
  • Up to 80% less disputes
  • Save $15 dispute fees
  • Get
    Developers review

    Your 1st payment can get
    you out of the game ⛔️

    Visa and MasterCard tolerate up to 0.65% dispute rate. If you get 1 dispute for 5 payments, that's already 20%.


    So simple to use, truly nocode – just click click click, and I got these rules all set up in 10min. For ALL my products on Lemonsqueezy! $100 is damn good value to pay for good sleep imh

    ShipForever Customer
    28.5k followers on

    Save hours of repetitive code, ship startup, grow fast

    Starter$169 $99 USD/month
    • Upto 10000 transactions
    • 0.0099 USD/transaction
    Smart$299 $199 USD/month
    • Upto 40000 transactions
    • 0.0049 USD/transaction
    Kapil's Image

    Hey 👋, I'm Kapil!

    I'm a 19-year-old solopreneur passionate about building startups. Back in 2021, I started my journey by creating various startups.

    I realized that many of the solopreneur get banned by lemonsqueezy payment gateway due to disputes.

    This inspired me to create noChargebacks — a solution to help solopreneurs manage disputes and reduce stress.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    • NoChargebacks is a Lemonsqueezy chargeback protection no-code tool: It listens to webhook events on your Lemonsqueezy account and detects fraudulent patterns. For instance, a user pays with a disposable email(Early Fraud Warning event), etc. NoChargebacks will then run the dispute prevention rules you've set up. You can send yourself an email to check the payment, refund it, etc.
    • Yes, as many as you want. Credits are shared across all.

    • Nope. NoChargebacks is a no-code tool. You can set up your rules in a few clicks.
    • You can create a Restricted API key with limited permissions for specific resources only.
    • Nothing. We don't collect any data. NoChargebacks listens to webhooks events on your Lemonsqueezy account and runs the rules you've set up. That's it.
    • Yes, it's impossible to prevent all disputes. But NoChargebacks will prevent up to 80% of them.
    • Cool, contact us by email